Uniform & Handbook

Where to Buy

All of the below items can be purchased from your nearest Scout Shop location, or online.

Handbook (Required)

Your scout's handbook is an integral part of the Cub Scouts program!  Each scout is required to purchase the den-specific handbook.  The handbook contains the adventure work that you and your scout will be doing together and will serve as a guide for families when work needs to be completed at home.  After work is completed the Den Leader will initial each requirement in the handbook to help track your scout's progress.

Uniform - Required Gear

* Special Note: Make sure you purchase the "National Version" of the neckerchief and hat.  Our scout shop sells council-specific hats and neckerchiefs, but we DO NOT use those.

Lion Scout Uniform (Kindergarteners)

Tiger, Wolf, & Bear (1st-3rd Graders)

Webelos & AOL Scout Uniform (4th & 5th Graders)

Basic Patches

Uniform - Optional Gear

What the Pack Provides